

Megaman X is explained. 🐱👍

Mega Man X is a series of action platform games released by Capcom. It is a sub-series of the Mega Man franchise previously developed by the same group with Keiji Inafune acting as one of the main staff members. The first game was released…

英語解説:Unity について🐱👍

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first announced and released in June 2005 at Apple Worldwide Developers Conference as a Mac OS X game engine. The engine has since been gradually extended to support a …

Megaman is explained.

Mega Man (known as Rockman in Japan) is a Japanese science fiction video game franchise created by Capcom, starring a character named "Mega Man". The original game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1987, and spawned a f…

Dragon Ball is explained.

Dragon Ball is a Japanese media franchise created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. The initial manga, written and illustrated by Toriyama, was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1984 to 1995, with the 519 individual chapters collected into 42…

Chrono Trigger is explained. 🐱👍

Chrono Trigger is a 1995 role-playing video game developed and published by Square. It was originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System as the first game in the Chrono series. The game's development team included three d…

チャイナ共産党のご意見伺い係である河野太郎が逆ギレしておるぞ (呆)😸

先日、日本改革党のくつざわさんという人が、「河野太郎はチャイナの奴隷」という記事をブログに掲載。その後、河野太郎が怒って、なんとくつざわさんを訴えた。 これに関して思うのは、「事実を書かれて、何か問題でも?」ということである。河野太郎がチャ…

Jane Austen is explained.

Jane Austen (born December 16, 1775, Steventon, Hampshire, England—died July 18, 1817, Winchester, Hampshire) English writer who first gave the novel its distinctly modern character through her treatment of ordinary people in everyday life…

The alleged massacre, which was said to have been committed by the Japanese Military in Nanjing, China, did not take place.

The alleged Nanking Massacre, commonly known as the Rape of Nanking, is the name of a genocidal war crime said to have been committed by the Japanese military in the city of Nanking (Nanjing), the then capital of the Republic of China, aft…


先の記事では、「情報・キャリア教育」「知・徳・体のバランスの取れた生きる力の育成と特別支援教育」を教育基本振興計画の初めに打ち出している千葉県について取り上げた。今回は、「いのち」を最初に掲げている山形県について考えてみたい。 令和2年度か…


暑い中、教員採用選考対策お疲れ様です。(これを読んでおられる方の中には、寒い季節や学習に適した季節の方もおられるとは思いますが。) 今回は、採用選考の最後の砦である面接で頻出の質問である「なぜこの自治体で仕事をしたいか?」への回答について取…

How should teachers talk to students?

The way that teachers talk to students - how they interact with them - is one of the crucial teacher skills, but it does not demand technical expertise. However, it requires teachers to empathize with the people they are talking. One group…


第4期教育振興基本計画では、「令和22年 (2040年) 以降を見据えた持続可能な社会」と「日本社会に根差したウェルビーイング」を二枚看板として、今後の教育を行っていくことが示されている。今回はここで言及されている「ウェルビーイング」について、深堀…



Some impressiong phrases by an Emperor of Roman Empire. 🐱

The sentences below are the ones impressing me: He was far from being inhuman, or implacable, or violent; never doing anything with such keenness that one could say he was sweating about it, in all things he reasoned distinctly, as one at …


令和4年度までが第3期教育基本計画でカバーされており、そのキーワードは「超スマート社会」の到来、及びそれへの準備ということであった。基本計画においては、 ①夢と志を持ち、可能性に挑戦するために必要となる力の育成 ②社会の持続的な発展を牽引する…

The content of what Zimmermann sent via telegram🐱

We intend to begin unrestricted warfare on the first of February. We shall endeavour in spite of this to keep the United States neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: mak…

The description of Germany's expectation. 🐱

In the three weeks that remained, Zimmermann devised an insurance policy. If unrestricted U-boat warfare increased the likelihood of America entering the war, then Zimmermann had a plan that would delay and weaken American involvement in E…

Expectation of a swift victory🏆

A swift victory was essential. Unrestricted submarine warfare and the inevitable sinking of US civillian ships would almost certainly provoke America into declairing war on Germany. Bearing this in mind, Germany needed to force an Allided …

Germany's prediction 🐱

Back in 1915, a submerged German U-boat had been responsible for sinking the ocean liner Lusitania, drowning 1198 passengers, including 128 US civilians. The loss of the Lusitania would have drawn America into the war, were it not for Germ…

The USA's attempt🐱💦

Despite calls from politicians in Britain and America, President Woodrow Wilson had spent the first two years of the war steadfastly refusing to send American troops to support the Allies. Besides not wanting to sacrifice his nation's yout…

Allied Cryptanalysis 🐱

The British and the Americans also made important contributions to Allied cryptanalysis. The supremacy of the Allied codebreakers and their influence on the Great War are best illustrated by the decipherment of a German telegram that was i…

Comparison of the attitude 🐱

The vigilance of the French was in sharp contrast to the attitude of the Germans, who entered the war with no military cryptanalytic bereau. Not until 1916 did they set up the Abhorchdienst, an organization devoted to intercepting Allied m…

A Code-Breaking Dutch in Paris🐱

Auguste Kerckhoffs wrote his treatise 'La Cryptographie militaire'. Although Kerckhoffs was Dutch, he spent most of his life in France, and his writings provided the French with an exceptional guide to the principles of cryptanalysis. By t…

(English) 随筆:現行憲法及び財政法廃止の必要性について🐱

I wrote down the script of the presentation above. It includes a topic of Politics. I know that mentioning Politics in a school is not desirable. Therefore when I work for a school, I have no intention to say something political. Just doin…

(English) 演説:現行憲法と財政法撤廃の必要性🐱

以下、現行憲法と財政法撤廃の必要性についての演説本文を掲載しました This movie explained four big problems Amazon had at that time. Slow international growth particularly in China, new challengers in the United States, the lack of a desirab…

教職員必読:信頼を得るために 其の弐🐱

先日、信頼をされる人となるためにということで、①生徒と対面しているときの留意点を述べた。今回は下記にあるように、「② 生徒と対面してはいないが、接点のあるとき:氣を付けるべきは、私的なメール・SNSであろう。これらは現代社会特有の懸念点といえる…

French Genius 🐱 vs German Army 🚀

Eventually, on the night of 2 June, Georges Painvin cracked an ADFGVX message. Painvin's breakthrough led to a spate of other decipherments, including a message that contained the order 'Rush munitions. Even by day if not seen.' The preamb…


昨今、官公庁や大企業などで不祥事が流行っている。この不祥事が流行っているというのは、日本語的におかしいがあえてこう書いた。とにかく不祥事が連発しており、「またか(# ゚Д゚)」という印象なのである。今回は、どのようなことを心掛けていくべきかという…



A Code Breaking Frenchman. 🐱

One of the most famous wartime ciphers was the German ADFGVX cipher, introduced on 5 March 1918, just before the major German offensive that began on 21 March. Like any attack, the German thrust would benefit from the element of surprise, …