
生活改善情報や、我が国の在り方の改善策について述べるかも🐈 ここ最近、生物学と法学に関心を持っているところ


Germany's prediction 🐱

Back in 1915, a submerged German U-boat had been responsible for sinking the ocean liner Lusitania, drowning 1198 passengers, including 128 US civilians. The loss of the Lusitania would have drawn America into the war, were it not for Germ…

The USA's attempt🐱💦

Despite calls from politicians in Britain and America, President Woodrow Wilson had spent the first two years of the war steadfastly refusing to send American troops to support the Allies. Besides not wanting to sacrifice his nation's yout…

Allied Cryptanalysis 🐱

The British and the Americans also made important contributions to Allied cryptanalysis. The supremacy of the Allied codebreakers and their influence on the Great War are best illustrated by the decipherment of a German telegram that was i…

Comparison of the attitude 🐱

The vigilance of the French was in sharp contrast to the attitude of the Germans, who entered the war with no military cryptanalytic bereau. Not until 1916 did they set up the Abhorchdienst, an organization devoted to intercepting Allied m…

A Code-Breaking Dutch in Paris🐱

Auguste Kerckhoffs wrote his treatise 'La Cryptographie militaire'. Although Kerckhoffs was Dutch, he spent most of his life in France, and his writings provided the French with an exceptional guide to the principles of cryptanalysis. By t…

(English) 随筆:現行憲法及び財政法廃止の必要性について🐱

I wrote down the script of the presentation above. It includes a topic of Politics. I know that mentioning Politics in a school is not desirable. Therefore when I work for a school, I have no intention to say something political. Just doin…

(English) 演説:現行憲法と財政法撤廃の必要性🐱

以下、現行憲法と財政法撤廃の必要性についての演説本文を掲載しました This movie explained four big problems Amazon had at that time. Slow international growth particularly in China, new challengers in the United States, the lack of a desirab…