

How to express expressions with letters in Math.

 When we express products by using expressions with letters, we do it in the following ways. As a times 7 equals 7a, the multiplication symbol "x"is omitted. In a product of a letter and a number, we write the number before the letter. The product of the same letters is expressed using an exponents as a times a equals a squared. 

 When we express quotients by using expressions with letters, we do it in the following ways. As a divided by 4 equals a over 4, the divison symbol "÷" is omitted. The change from 1000 yen when buying 4 apples at 1 apple x yen is expressed as 1000 minus 4x (yen). The amount of juice each person gets when we divide y liters equally among 8 people is expressed as y over 8 liters.