

A fake made by the NHK & Asahi Shinbun was revealed by most decent Japanese.

 The day before yesterday (27th of September, 2022) was the day of the state funeral of Shinzo Abe, who had been the greatest Prime Miniser of Japan all time since Hideki Tojo. 

 As for the state funeral, many media in Japan had been insiting the idea such as "60 % of the Japanese were against this state funeral." On the day of the funeral, it was revealed that many media in Japan were broadcasting the fake made by themselves to all over Japan and the world. The number of the people who want to atttend the state funeral, standing outside the venue was over 20,000. On the otherhand, the noisy idiots who were shouting "Stop the state funeral! We are about to rip it into pieces." were there, but the number of these idiots were only about 300, according to the police organization.