

another 重要答申:「第3次学校安全の推進に関する計画の策定について」の要点😸





SHARP (シャープ) AQUOS zero6 端末本体のみ (楽天モバイル回線なし) 新品
価格:69800円(税込、送料無料) (2022/6/7時点)













How to solve simultaneous equations (substitution method) 連立方程式の解き方(代入法)

Question: Let's solve the following equations by the substitution method. 

① 3x+2y=-2          ② x-4y=18

How to solve: As with the addition and subtraction method, the substition method also solves simltaneous equations by erasing a single letter. In the substition method, bu substituting one equation into the other, a letter is erased.

For this problem, if we reaarange ②, it becomes x=4y+18 ---③. Substituting ③ into equation ①, y =-4. Then, x=2. 




How to solve simultaneous equations (addition andsubtraction method) 連立方程式の解き方 (加減法)

Question: Let's solve the following simultanoues equations by the addition and subtraction method. 

① 4x-3y=6    ② 3x+2y=13

How to solve: A combination of 2 or more equations is called a simultaneous equation. The way to erase the letters by making equal the absolute values of the coefficients of the either letters of simultaneous equasion and adding or subtracting is called the addition and subtraction method. For this problem, to make equal the absolute value of the coefficient of y, we multiply the equation ① by 2 and the equation ② by 3. Then, you will find out x=3 --- ③. Substituting ③ into ①, y=2. 




Linear equations word problem (too many or too few) :1次方程式の文章題(過不足)

Question:  Some pieces of of candy are given to some children. When each child gets 5 pieces of candy, there are 2 pieces too many. When each child gets 6 pieces of candy, there are 4 pieces too few. Find an answer to the number of children and the number of candy pieces in this case. 

How to solve: Assuming that the number of children is x, the number of candy pieces can be expressed in two ways. One is from "When each child gets 5 pieces of candy, there are 3 pieces too many," (5x plus 2) pieces. Another is, from "When each child gets 6 pieces of candy, there are 5 pieces too few," (6x minus 4) pieces. 

 Because these two equations express the same number of candy pieces, it becomes 5x plus 2 equals 6x minus 4. Therefore the number of children is 6. The number of candy pieces is 33. 



SHARP (シャープ) AQUOS zero6 端末本体のみ (楽天モバイル回線なし) 新品
価格:69800円(税込、送料無料) (2022/6/6時点)




How to solve linear equations. 1次方程式の解き方😸

Question: Let's solve  the following linear equation. 


 How to solve: An expression which expresses the relationship of quantity by using an equal sign is called an equality. An equality including letters is called an equation. The value of the letters making up the equation is called the solution of the equation. 

 Finding the solution of an equation is called "solve the equation." Linear equasions are calculated by transposing the terms with letters to the left side and with only numbers to the right side. 




【中古】 数学マスターDS /ニンテンドーDS 【中古】afb
価格:2728円(税込、送料別) (2022/6/4時点)



Factorization (因数分解) 😸

Question: Let's factorize the following expressions. 

① nx+ny

② x^2+8x+16

③ x^2+9x+20

④ x^2-16

How to solve: Expressing a polynomial in the form of a produt os some factors is called "factorize". In ①, because there is common factor n in each term, pull it out of the parenthesis. In ②, utilize the formula a squared plus 2ab plus b squared equals the quantity a plus b, close quantity squared. In ③, use the formula x squared plus the quantity a plus b, close quantity, times x plus ab equals the quantity x plus a, close quantity, times the quantity x plus b, close quantity. In ④, a squared minus b squared equals the quantity a plus b, close quantity, times the quantity a minus b, close quantity.