

Asked translate Japanese into English. 英訳依頼が来た🐱


I am thinking of the nameless people who sailed the ship on the silent blue ocean. 

Where had they gone? I can see the awaken arm leading them. 

Thanks, a piece of dreams. The tears from my eyes drop on the shining wave. 

It flows as it does. 

The tear will vanish at the bottom of the ocean. The way without the milestones would go anywhere. The sand on the finger tells me a slight sadness. Good bye, a piece of dream and tears. I am about to pass away on the ocean where the birds are singing. The silver boat are on the silent blue ocean. 

青くうねる静寂 銀の小舟浮かべし名前知らぬ民よ ゆらり揺られ何処へ 今一度目覚めし力 心導きたもう ありがとう 夢のかけら 湧きいづる涙 波を打つ光の中 流れ行くままに移らん 潮が運ぶ命 溶けて消ゆる水底 標のない旅の果ては遥か何処へ その指にこぼれし砂は我に無情を告げん さようなら 夢のかけら 泡沫の涙 海鳥の子守唄が染み渡る闇に眠らん 青くうねる海に銀の小舟浮かべし