

Trees Problem 樹木算😸

 As some of you are interested in Arrithmetic/Math in English, I will write down a trees proplem today. 

Question: On one side of this road from end to end, apple trees are planted every 15 meters. In this case, how many apple trees are needed?

How to solve: Because an apple tree is planted at both ends of the road, the number of apple trees becomes the number of spaces between the trees plus 1. When the apples trees are planted, the number of spaces between the trees is 16. Therefore the apple trees needed are 17 trees. 

Caution: When there is a tree at both ends, the number of trees becomes 1 more the number of spaces. Around a pond and the like, when the perimeter is connected, the number of trees and the number of spaces are equal. 



名探偵コナンの10才までに算数センスを育てる157問 [ 青山 剛昌 ]
価格:1650円(税込、送料無料) (2022/5/15時点)
