

Age Problem 年齢算😸


Question: Now Shintaro is 11 years old and Shintaro's father is 45 years old. From now, how many years after will Shintaro's father's age be 3 times Shintaro's age. 

How to Solve: The difference between the age of Shintaro's father and Shintaro is always 34 years. The difference in the two's age will be 2 times Shintaro's age when Shintaro's father's age becomes 3 times Shintaro's age. 

 When Shintaro's father's age is 3 times Shintaro's age, Shintaro is 17 years old. Now, Shintaro is 11 years old, so 6 years later.  


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価格:5051円(税込、送料無料) (2022/5/12時点)
